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About My Garden

The Gardener

I just started planting flowers in the fall of 2002. I tend to prefer bright colors and simple bloom shapes. I think of foliage as the backround for the blossoms. I hate to see bare ground between plants. Most of what I am doing is an experiment. Often the results are chaotic and not what I originally planned.


Here in central California we have a very long and very hot dry summer. Summer weather can start as early as May and can continue well into September around here. During the summer the daytime high temperatures are always at least 90 degrees here. In July and August the highs are typically around 100 degrees. In the winter our low temperatures are typically about 30 to 35 degrees. We do sometimes have cold nights in the 20s during the winter. In the winter we often have thick fog. Most of our rain falls from December to March. It does not normally rain at all here during the summer.

The Situation

I am an apartment dweller. My gardening space is very small. I have 5 foot by 10 foot patches of ground on both sides of the front entry. I have a container garden in the 5 foot by 24 foot fenced in back patio area. The front gets direct morning sun and indirect afternoon light. The back area gets only limited afternoon filtered to direct sun.

Weather Today in Gordon's Garden